Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My New Year's Resolutions - Defined.

My overarching goal for the year 2010 is to improve how the world views me as a person and as a contributer. (I know that's a lot of silly, big words, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere.)

Here is a list of things that will improve my life (and my credit score, among many other things!)

1A. Create an Emergency Fund of $3,000.00, or 3 months of living expenses.
1B. Improve my marriage to a wonderful man - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
2. Be able to pay my car insurance in full (6 months) by the end of the year.
3. Sign up for and complete a photography class and join the photography club in my area.
4. Start my MA.
5. Complete the extra endorsement I am getting at a local university for teaching.
6. Go on vacation to 3 new places this year.
7. Get out of my depressive state of living.
8. Be completely sober for the entire year.

These sound pretty easy, but for a girl who doesn't complete much of anything (let's be honest - NOTHING), this is a pretty significant list.

If I think of anything else I'll be sure to add it.

Did I mention I'm only 25? :)

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